Sunday, May 5, 2019

Flower Experts

This week we learned all about pollination and flowers.  We dissected real flowers and then created flower models.  We learned that the shape and color of the flower attract different pollinators.  It was so much fun!

We have two eighth graders who visit our classroom as part of a 4H unit.  
They are teaching us all about food systems.  

Last week: We also learned about the parts of a seed.

We dissected seeds.

Writing Workshop: We spent the week sharing our Slide Show Reviews.  Now, our class is practicing all they have learned this year with some free write time.  They are writing comics, books, choose your own adventure, and so much more...


Reading Workshop: We are just finishing up our Informational Book Clubs.  Students worked with a partner to research topics.  We are now creating posters of all we have learned.  Our posters will outline The Top Ten Facts about our topic.

We learned how to use Encyclopedia Britannica online.

Look at all these facts!

Mathematics:  In math, we just completed our geometry unit.  Now, we will work on measuring meters and centimeters, addition and subtraction within 1,000, and story problems.

Our Geometry Unit explored area with pattern blocks.

We are playing Race to the Cookie Jar.  This game practices addition to 1,000.

Four Winds:  During Four Winds, we learned about Owls.  We dissected owl pellets!

We love the 4 Winds Puppet Shows!